Auditing & statutory auditing
The external auditor is a major player of the current modern economy. He contributes to guarantee the quality and transparency of financial information transmitted by the company, both for management purposes and internal analysis needed by shareholders, financial institutions, customers, suppliers, donors or public authorities.
His essential mission consists on the expression of an opinion on the regularity and the sincerity of the annual and consolidated accounts.
Beyond this concept of essential control, the external auditor is primarily a alongside partner for the company.
Our Partners mobilize their technical and industry expertise to serve this mission with a constant concern of efficiency and proximity.
FIREC & ASSOCIATES helps its clients with:
Certification of financial and consolidated accounts
Reduction or capital increase
Distribution of final or interim dividends
Certificates and various visas
Issuing preference shares
Transformation, pecial advantages
Furthermore, FIREC & ASSOCIATES is often required to intervene in a legal framework to control mergers, demergers and partial contributions of assets.
Our work leads to the issuance of an opinion regarding the assessment of values and equity of a financial transaction.
Our expertise is based on experience made in the business management, coupled with our legal expertise dealing with that kind of operation.