FIREC & ASSOCIES helps public and private enterprises to realize their transformation project and to obtain a high level of performance.
By taking time to understand your business, your issues and your challenges, our Advisory team, thanks to its strong experience, will have help find optimal organizations, processes and information systems to realize your strategy.
Our advices are based on a spirit of sustainable partnership with your management.
FIREC & ASSOCIES offers a range of services organized around three themes :
Strategy consulting
- Project management;
- Strategic plans;
- Restructuring plans.
- Organization and arrangement of work timing;
- Optimization Studies;
- Opportunity Studies.

Management Consulting
- Definition of the general policy;
- Organization through charts, structures and functions;
- Establishment of the job description;
- Analysis and writing internal control procedures;
- Assistance on the management and the organization of human resources;
- Advice in policy and quality control;
- Decentralization, grouping, diversification;
- Assistance on the recruitment.
HR consulting and management change
- Adherence to culture for new business projects;
- Organization and optimization of functions and HR processes;
- Assistance to the definition of jobs profiles and their skills;
- Support in the management change.